viernes, 13 de agosto de 2010

Simulating two robots in ROS

Following the instructions published in assembla I got the following results:

1.- First I created the file: twoRobots.launch in the directory:

And then I updated the file tworobots.launch located in:

2.- Run de launch file: roslaunch launch/tworobots.launch

Now we can see the two robots on the map.

3.- Control the robots with the keyboard launching the tworobots2.launch file.

To control one robot I only need to use the keyboard while the terminal running tworobots.launch is in front of the other windows. To control de second robot I need to do the same thing but with the terminal running tworobots2.launch

Test Navigation Stack with both robots.

Here we can see the nodes teleop_base1 and teleop_base2, as well as the topics of cmd_vel for robot0 and robot1.

The odometry of both robots is done separately, in this case we can't see the lasers of the robots on the map because of the version of ROS and the Ubuntu Release that I have. I really don't know why that problem exists but I hope I will know how to solve it soon.


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