miércoles, 18 de agosto de 2010

Starting with p2os

1) Install p2os following the p2os Getting Started Tutorial

2) Then I Tested the communication with the robot using RosAria.

First I Changed the usb port from port 1 to port 0. To do this you need to go to the ROASRIA package.

$ roscd ROSARIA
$ cd src

Then edit the RosAria.cpp file.

$ sudo gedit RosAria.cpp

and edit the line 80:

n.param( "port", serial_port, std::string("/dev/ttyUSB1") );


n.param( "port", serial_port, std::string("/dev/ttyUSB0") );

Make the package and then move to ROSARIA/bin

Then run a Core

$ roscore

Turn on the Pioneer, connect the usb-serial cable and run RosAria


Finally you should see something like this:

Retrieving information about robot's odometry.

You can also consult my other post to see the next steps about how to control the robot with the keyboard:

Controling Pioneer

2.1) Using the Keyboard to contorl de Pioneer.

Following the instructions of my other post I culnd't teleoperate the robot. I think is is because the latest relese of the svn of teleop_base publishes on a topic named /cmd_vel instead of /RosAria/cmd_vel. So now i'm modifying the RosAria.cpp file so it listens /RosAria/cmd_vel topic.

Note: It is localized in ROSARIA/src and the code i'm modifying is in the line 95 from this:

cmdvel_sub = n.subscribe( "/cmd_vel", 1, (boost::function < void(const geometry_msgs::TwistConstPtr&)>)

To this:

cmdvel_sub = n.subscribe( "/RosAria/cmd_vel", 1, (boost::function < void(const geometry_msgs::TwistConstPtr&)>)

Well Now the robot moves, but there's a little problem with RosAria, because it suddenly stops and the communication with the robot freezes. It stop updating the info...

[ INFO] [1282152720.503071698]: /odom: 1282152720.503030 0.000000 0.000000

It stops there. I will search for the problem later, now I will focus on the next task.


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